The first Italian Stakeholders Consultation was organized as an inside-happening of RemTech (Remediation Technologies) fair, on 18th September 2013, one of the most important environmental exibition/fair in Italy. In particular, RemTech 2013 was divided in three main happenings, each one dedicated to a specific environmental sector: Inertia 2013 represented the aggregate sphere and part of it was devoted to the SNAP stakeholders consultation.
The consultation was organised by both the Italian SNAP partners, Emilia-Romagna Region and Trento Province, with the contribution also of the Parma Province, an Italian observer (OP3). At the end of the day the event allowed a first contact with the participating stakeholders, which were represented by some industries and SMEs but also by some public regional administrations not belonging to the SNAP-SEE project.
The agenda is available online at the following weblink:
Images from the Italian workshop please find in the galleries section.